Thursday, 29 October 2020

Kauri Whānau: Sports Day and Technology next week

Apologies for the third email this week. 

Technology is on Monday, not Tuesday next week. This is due to an exchange at South Intermediate next week. Please make sure your child is at school by 8:30am on Monday so that they can catch the bus to tech.

Athletic sports are on tomorrow:

  • sun hats are essential
  • come with sunscreen on (more will be applied during the day)
  • wear either red school polo or house top

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Kauri Whānau: Week 3 update

A couple of updates ...

The link to indicate interest in the camp photobook has been fixed. Please click here.

In preparation for the end of year, I am after a photo of every Year 8 student when they were 5. This can be a digital or hard copy. If you have a first day of school pic, that would be great. If not, any photo of when they were 5 will be fine.  Please email digital copies to Nicky.

A huge good luck to Te Whanau Mahi Tahi for their performance at the Cultural Festival tonight. I'm sure they will make us all proud!

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 4 Week 3

 In this post:

  • Camp photos
  • Athletic Sports
  • Canterbury Triathlon
  • Sexuality Education

Camp Photos

Today we shared our collection of camp photos with the children on Google Drive. They will be able to access these at home and share them with you. It is important that they do not share any pictures on their social media accounts unless they have permission from all of the people in the photo. 

We are thinking about producing a photobook with photos and snippets of the children's writing. The cost of these books would be around $25. To give us an indication of who is interested, so we can decide if this is worth doing, please fill in this form.

Whole School Athletics - This Friday the 27th of October

Be Sun Smart

The events for Year 5 to 8 run all day. It is really important that your child has their sun hat and has sunscreen on from the beginning of the day. We will have sunscreen at school for them to reapply throughout the day.


  • Children may choose to wear their house shirt or their red polo. 
  • They may wear their choice of leggings/shorts. Black is prefered. 
  • Please make sure that children come to school in footwear appropriate for sports, (running shoes are ideal). 

Parent Help

We are still looking for parent help for Friday. Please email Jenny if you are available. 

Zone Athletics

Zone athletics will be held at Hansen’s Park on Monday the 9th of November. The children representing our kura are selected based on the results from Friday’s school event. There are restrictions that come from Primary Sport Canterbury on the number of events that children may compete in at zone and Canterbury level. We will be discussing options with children early in the following week.

Canterbury Triathlon

If you think your child would like to enter the Canterbury Triathlon on November 25th, please click here for information and the entry form.

Sexuality Education

Below is a slide show with information about 'Navigating the Journey: Sexuality Education'. We will be starting these lessons next week with Year 7 and Year 8 working in separate groups. If you have any further questions after viewing the slide show, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Friday, 23 October 2020

Kauri Camp: The Last Post

 We are on the road! Yesterday was a fabulous day based at camp. Lots of teamwork and challenge, and plenty of fun. A great team effort this morning getting packed up, cleaned and away by 9:30. We are stopping in Oamaru for 90 mins to lunch, play and check out the steampunk museum. Will send out an email later this afternoon to confirm our arrival time. Should be back between 5 and 5:30.

We have been privileged to have a superb bunch of camp parents - couldn't have wished for better. They have cooked, cleaned, run activities, supported the kids, and all with big smiles. 

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Kauri Camp Update: Wednesday

 The sun shone as we headed off to Otago Peninsula for an awesome day of learning and adventure. Albatrosses were seen by all; the lucky ones saw multiple flying overhead. Lots of new experiences enjoyed and memories made. 

After a good night's sleep, we are ready for an action-packed day at camp. 

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Kauri Camp Update: Tuesday

 Morena everyone! We had an action-packed on camp yesterday and the troops slept well again last night. Today we are off to Otago Peninsula to visit Larnach Castle, cruise on the Monarch and check out the albatross colony. Then it is either off to the pool and Hair Raiser Tour or back to camp for a campfire.