Monday 26 July 2021

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 3 Week 1

 In this post:

  • Cantamath projects
  • Ski day
  • Choice programme
  • Speeches
  • Key dates for term 3
  • Cashmere High Enrolments

Cantamath Projects

Over the next three weeks all Kauri children have a home learning project to work on. Today, Monday, we introduced them to Cantamath projects. Ideas have been shared on a slideshow, which they can access at home on google classroom, and each child has brought an assignment sheet home (or will bring this home on Tuesday). The children select one project category to enter. They have been given three weeks, as it will take this long to do a good job. If by Friday they have not got an idea underway, please encourage them to speak with their maths teacher for some help. 

Ski Day

Our ski day to Mt Hutt is on Thursday September 2nd. Please click this link and complete the form so we can support whānau to ensure every child is well prepared for their day in the mountains. We will be leaving school by 6am and return at 6pm. More information will come out in following posts.

Choice Programme

From weeks 3 - 5 we will be working through the 'Choice' programme, in class and with our community constable. Choice is a programme that aims to strengthen young people’s ability to make positive life choices with special emphasis on drug use.


A single word that strikes excitement in some and fear in others: speeches. Starting in week 2, we will be working with the children to write a persuasive speech. In week 6 these speeches will be shared in literacy groups. We are aware that this may cause anxiety for some children. While we strongly encourage the children to share their speech with their literacy group, no child will be forced to do so and we have other options for sharing. We look forward to supporting the children in taking on this challenge.

Term 3 key dates for Year 7 & 8:

July 30         Learn, Create, Share Expo
August 2         Canterbury Indoor Tournament for basketball and volleyball
August 10 Year 5 - 8 Duathlon 
August 11 Beckamath event at school
August 13 Cantamath projects due at school
August 15 Choice sessions begin
August 19 Last winter sport session
August 20 Book character day
August 25 Cantamath (for problem solving teams)
August 30 Canterbury duathlon
September 2 Ski day
September 6 Hub speech finals
September 20 Zone speech competition
Sept 21-23 Koru Games

A message from Cahsmere High School

2022 Year 9 enrolments for Cashmere High School close at 4pm, 30 July 2021. Late applications received after this date may not receive their first choice academic options. Please share this information with friends and family. 

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