Wednesday 14 November 2018

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 4 Week 5

Week 5 already! Yes, we are halfway through the term. We have been involved in a flurry of events lately, which you can read about below. We are looking forward to settling back into a normal daily routine again next week.

We need your trash!

Our production props team have been very busy with their construction and creativity lately. We urgently need some non-recyclable waste for our 'junk bonfire': chip packets, chocolate wrappers, old shoes, computer pieces, broken toys etc. There is a collection box in our hub. We would love it if everyone could bring something in tomorrow.

Mural Progress

You may have noticed that painting has begun on the back of the toilet block at Beckenham ponds. Research and planning have gone smoothly, under Ira's guidance. The Christchurch City Council has approved our application for a community grant to cover the paint costs. We are all very excited to be up to the painting stage.


Since the start of term, our debating teams have been researching and writing to prepare for their competition against St Martins School. The first round of debates took place on Monday. The topic: Social media's ability to replace the need for face to face communication is of great benefit to society. Three debates took place and were judged by senior students from Cashmere High School's debating club. Our teams won all three debates! The feedback given praised our teams' structure and rebuttal. Now it is back to unpacking, researching and writing for the next round which will take place early in December. The topic: There is never an excuse or reason good enough to declare war.

Summer Tournament

Last Wednesday, children from Kauri participated in the Summer Tournament at Hagley Park and Wilding Tennis Centre. For some, the day was a lesson in perseverance, especially the tennis players, who were up against some very polished players. For others, it was about giving a new sport a go. Many thanks to the parents who managed a team for the day and/or transported children. Congratulations to the orienteering team who came second in both the rogaine and the orienteering.

Zone Athletics

Monday was our Zone Athletics event at Hansen Park. Zone level competition is always a big step up from our school level event and our tamariki rose to the challenge. Congratulations to all the competitors. I am yet to receive finalised results and will pass these on once I have them. The top two from each event now go on to Canterburys on the 5th of December, held at the new stadium, Ngā Puna Wai.

Top Team

On Tuesday we had a glorious afternoon participating in a range of fun team initiatives with Top Team. The children were purposefully put into groups that differ from their usual social circles and it was great to see them ‘Get there together’ and embrace the varying challenges. The water initiatives proved very popular! Thank you to the parents who ran stations.

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