Saturday, 24 November 2018

Kauri Team Weekly Update: Term 4 Week 6

Just a few quick messages this week.

We need your waste!

Over the weekend, if you are visiting a takeaway food outlet, can you please put aside any packaging, cups etc and send these to school on Tuesday. Chip packets and other plastic throw-aways would also be appreciated. We need this waste for our production props.

No school Monday:

A reminder that we are having a staff only day on Monday.

Canteen closed at South on Tuesday:

Please pack morning tea for Tuesday, not money, as the canteen at South will be closed this week.

Production dates:

A reminder about our production dates, Monday, Dec 10th and Wednesday, Dec 12th. We need all children at both shows. Start time is 7pm and we should be all done by 7:40pm.

Painting progress:

We have been making the most of the fine weather to work on our mural...

Mandy, our local park ranger, joined us on Thursday.

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