Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 3 Week 6

Last week we wrapped up our Treaty of Waitangi workshops. These sessions gave the children great insight into the history of our country. We have also welcomed an ASB facilitator into our hub to share a practical session on financial literacy. The children have just finished a free choice writing topic and tomorrow we will have our motivation session, which will lead to opinion based writing.


From time to time we have issues with communication pathways at school. It would make life much more straight forward if you called Jacky in the office if:
  • you are dropping your child off at South on Tuesday mornings.
  • you need to get a message to your child during the school day.


The choir are busy practising for their upcoming concerts on Tuesday the 19th and Wednesday the 20th of June at Hillview. All children in the choir, which is most of our hub, need to be at both concerts. Each student will be allocated two tickets per night, at a cost of $5 per ticket. There may be some spare tickets. These can be purchased from the school office from next Tuesday, June 12th. It is very important that the children are practising the songs at home. Jarred has sent them an email with instructions to sign up to a new google classroom, with the code bluzoap. This will give them access to Kauri choir music. 

Camp Photo Book:

Thanks to those of you who have completed the form to order your camp photo book. If you planned to do this, but haven't, now would be a good time. Orders close on Friday. Please click on this link. 

Volleyball Passion Group

Cashmere High School have offered an after school coaching session to our passion group to further promote the sport and make connections between the two schools. This will be an optional after school activity on Thursday the 21st of June. The children will be transported by car to Cashmere straight after school by adult helpers. Once there, their senior volleyball team will run a coaching session and play a mixed, friendly game. This season will finish at about 4:30. A form will be put in the next blog for you to indicate wether your child will be attending and if you are able to provide transport. 


The children are loving their winter sport experience at Hagley Park. Here is some of the action from netball and hockey...

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