Tuesday 4 May 2021

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 2 Week 1

 In this post:

  • Camp photo books - one more chance
  • ShowQuest
  • Quiz Night
  • Winter Sport
  • 40 Hour Famine
  • Kitchen closed
  • High School Info.

Camp photo books

I have placed the order for 40 camp photo books and have since had requests from more parents. The form is open again. If you would like a book and have yet to order, please do so by Friday.


This Thursday, we would like the children to bring any costume that they have already organised to school. We know that some children may still be organising this. We are not expecting children to be in full costume. We have some clothing items and accessories at school that we can lend out. If you are having trouble sourcing anything, please ensure that your child has let us know so that we can try to match them up with what we have available. 

Thanks to those who have filled in the form offering to help. We have decided to keep the evening meal easy and go with pizza. Our greatest need is hair and makeup helpers; this could be older sibblings. Please fill in this form if you can help.

If you would like to purchase tickets to see the show click here to go to Ticketek.  

Quiz Night

Many thanks to everyone who has offered to help with Quiz Night. If haven't checked out the helping options yet, please click here. Our greatest needs at this stage are, a person to coordinate ticket sales / promotion, a few more supper plates and some prize donations.

Winter Sport

Winter sport starts in Week 5 of this term. 

We would love to be able to provide every child who wants to participate in competitive winter sport a place in a sports team. To make this possible, we are still looking for adults to accompany teams. Ideally, this adult would be comfortable having a go at refereeing a game. This is something we can support you in learning how to do if you are new to it. If you are not comfortable refereeing but would be available to support a team, please do still get in touch. The most important thing we need is for the children to be adequately supervised.  

At the moment we do not have enough adults for competitive winter sport to go ahead this year. 

Currently, we are still looking for:

  • Netball: 2 x year 5/6 and 2 x year 7/8
  • Hockey: 2 x year 5/6 and 1 x year 7/8
  • Football: 1 x year 5/6 and 1 x year 7/8 40 

Please fill in this form if you can help.

Hour Famine and World Vision

Congratulations to our 2021 World Vision Leaders. These students will be attending a Leadership Conference on 13th May to learn valuable skills on how to promote the 40 Hour Famine to the Year 5-8 students at Beckenham. This year the 40 Hour Famine starts at 8pm on Friday 25th June and ends midday Sunday 27th June 2021. This is the weekend of Week 8. We look forward to hearing how you plan to contribute to a wonderful cause.

World Vision Leaders: Alex Walker, Lauren Maule, Zoe-Arianna Clarke and Maxwell Page

Kitchen Closed

Life as a teacher in our intermediate hub just keeps getting busier. We have been looking at changes we can make to keep things more manageable. Something we are going to action straight away is closing our hub kitchen for lunch preparation, as this requires teacher supervision every day.

High School Info.

It is the term of high school open nights. As we get emailed info from high schools, we will pass it on to you. This week we have info from Cashmere High and Hagley College.

Hagley College

Thinking about Hagley for Year 9 2022? 10 key points about us:

  • We're a Designated Character School. To join us, you must agree to engage with our culture and our values of Whakamarumaru (Responsibility), Mana (Respect), Whakawhirinaki (Trust) and Tika (Integrity). We also need to be confident that Hagley has the resources to support you in your learning, that there is a programme that will meet your needs, and that there is a place for you in that programme. 
  • We are a restorative school. 
  • We have an inclusive and diverse learning environment. 
  • We offer a connected curriculum. 
  • All Year 9 students have two hours of Te Reo Māori, three hours of Health and two hours of PE each week. They also all take English, Maths, Social Sciences and Science. Students also choose from a wide range of Kete Wana courses to complete their programmes. 
  • Social action and student leadership are actively promoted and celebrated. 
  • Our Targeted Learning class is very small. Only 2-3 places will be available for new students in 2022 due to returning students. 
  • GATE students are able to excel in their specialty fields. 
  • Enrolment for Year 9 2022 opens on 10 May 2021 and closes on 25 June 2021 at midday. It is essential to apply during this time. 
  • There are only 125 places available in Year 9 for 2022. A ballot is usually required and will occur on 8 July 2021. Notifications re places occur by 16 July 2021. Criteria for priority enrolment for those with family/whānau links to Hagley is on our website. 


Our website has more information: https://www.hagley.school.nz/enrolment/year-9-enrolment/

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