Wednesday 9 June 2021

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 2 Week 6

 In this post:

  • Fundraising complete
  • BYOD ready to learn
  • Koru Games
  • Year 7 & 8 Choir
  • Ski Day
  • Buddies


A huge thanks to all the parents who helped with the Quiz Night organisation and to everyone who donated items for the hampers. The night was a huge success. The hall was rocking with hilarity and we made $3000! Camp fundraising is now all done and dusted.


It is fabulous that we have so many students signed up to bring their own devices for learning this year. Recently a number of children have been leaving devices at home or forgetting to make sure their device is fully charged. This has put pressure on our limited supply of devices at school and some students are missing out on devices. If your child has a BYOD, please remind them to bring it to school every day fully charged.

Koru Games

Koru Games is a three-day sports tournament held across multiple locations in the Selwyn District. There are a wide range of sports involved, including volleyball, ultimate frisbee, ki o rahi and korfball. In previous years, Koru Games has been a highlight for many of our tamariki.  Some of the children are already talking about it and want to start practising!

Finding adults to manage teams is a key factor for us when making entries. If you would be interested in supporting us with Koru Games this year and are available from the 21st to 23rd of September, please get in touch with Jenny.

See the link below for more information on Koru Games.  

Year 7/8 Choir

A Year 7/8 choir has been started and, after some challenges finding a time to meet, we have settled on Monday mornings from 8:15am - 8:45am. Initially this will be in the Kauri theatre, until a different space becomes available in Term 3.

Sandy will be taking the choir, with support from one of our parents, Amanda Atlas (international opera singer and vocal teacher!)

If your child is keen to join, they do need to commit to attending every Monday from 8:15am, please. We already have a keen core group of students and can accommodate more. 

Rehearsals will begin from Monday 14 June, 8:15am

Ski Day Term 3

Our next outdoor education excursion is our annual ski day to Mt Hutt in term 3. The costs for this day are covered by your school donation and the PTA generously fund the buses. At this stage, we need a supply of enthusiastic parent helpers for the day to go ahead. Please fill in this form if you would like to join us on September 2nd. 

Cashmere High Open Day

A reminder that Cashmere High School is having their open day tomorrow (Thursday June 10th) day from 4:00 until 6:30. They are having issues with car parking on the school grounds and ask you to come early enough to find a park and walk into the school grounds.

Friday Buddies

It was fabulous to receive great feedback about our team of buddies who work in the new entrant hub on a Friday afternoon. Our children were thanked for their calm, engaging, helpful and respectful natures.

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