Saturday 26 June 2021

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 2 Week 8

 In this post:

  • 40 Hour Famine this weekend
    • Period products at school
    • Missing jacket
    • Koru Games
    • Fun Run
    • Ski Trip
    • Current learning focus
    • Treaty of Waitangi Workshops

    40 Hour Famine

    We hope that all who are taking part in the 40 Hour Famine this weekend and going well. We would love to see some photos of your child's famine in action. After the your child's famine in complete, please encourage them to collect their sponsorship money quickly.

    Period products at school

    The access to period products initiative aims to provide free period products to children and young people in all state schools and kura across New Zealand during 2021. Please click here to find out more and fill in a form to indicate if you would like your daughter to access free products through school.

    Missing Jacket

    Could you please check to see that your child has the correct senior jacket. Marcellus is missing his and it is clearly labelled.

    Koru Games

    We have many enthusiastic children who are keen to take part in Koru Games next term. A number have said their parents can help out, but have yet to notify Jenny via email. Once we have confirmation of adult support, we can enter teams and we really don't want to miss out on the limited spots available for each sport. 

    Fun Run

    The student council fun run for Kids Can is on this coming Friday. If your child is signed up, please encourgae them to collect sponsors. 

    Ski Trip

    Many thanks to the parents who have offered to help on our ski day to Mt Hutt on September 2nd. We have sufficient helpers and would like to take everyone who has already signed up. Please mark this date in your diaries. The children will be away from 6am until 6pm. The cost of this trip is covered by your school donation and a generours donation from our PTA. More details on clothing requirements will come out early next term.

    Current Learning Focus

    We are aware that some children come home full of news about their school day and what they have been learning about. There are also a lot of children who do not do this. Just to keep you in the loop, our current learning includes:

    • Literacy. We are currently integrating science with writing. Each Monday we do an experiement and during the week we write up the method, results, explanation, conclusion, wider world implications and wonderings. Last week we learnt about acids and bases and ph indicators.
    • Maths. Earlier this term we have been exploring the geometry of triangles, and position and orientation (navigating maps, grid references etc.). We have recently started a new topic on proportion and ratio, initially exploring fractions. The children also complete a weekly basic facts challenge. 
    • Positive behaviour for learning. Recently we have been talking about gender as part of Pride Month and also discussing issues around social media. 
    • Afternoon programme. Earlier in the term we have had a visual art and music focus. Last week we started another 'Learn, Create, Share' block, with the children selecting their own learning focus. They are working towards sharing their learning at the end of week 1 next term. 

    Treaty of Waitangi Workshops

    At the beginning of Term 2, students in our hub were lucky enough to participate in a series of Treaty of Waitangi workshops. These workshops were a fantastic introduction into the history of Aotearoa and understanding the journey our country has been on. Together with our regular te reo lessons, students are feeling inspired to normalise our native language through speaking, singing and incorporating tikanga practices into their daily lives. Here are some of the photos of our tamariki getting involved and stuck into learning activities. 

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