Sunday 8 April 2018

Dunedin, here we come!

The good news about the weather forecast...

  • Most of our activities will be indoors.
  • The rain on Monday isn't meant to fall until the evening.
  • Albatross and other wild life are much more active in stormy weather, note Tuesday forecast.
  • It's a forecast, and might change.

A happy camper is a prepared camper!

Please check through your child's luggage to make sure they have:
  • Clothing suitable for the low temperatures that are forecast: thermals, fleece, wool, and lots of layers
  • A woolly hat is a must
  • A raincoat is a must
  • A spare pair of sturdy shoes
  • Plenty of socks

Remember to have the following ready to hand in when you arrive at school tomorrow:

  • Medication, in a named bag (except for medication that needs to stay on the child, e.g. Epipen and inhalers)
  • Food donations: baking for Mountains and Forest and a bag of fruit for Coast
  • Frozen pasta bake and cottage pies for those who have prepared these dishes.
On arrival at school, children are to leave their luggage on the basketball court and then take their daypack and find their home-group teacher. They will need to show us their raincoat, lunch, drink bottle and warm hat. 

If your child has yet to bring their permission slip for tech devices, please make sure this is ready to hand in when they arrive. If you have lost this form, a note signed by you will suffice. 

Exciting times...

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